Giving a massage at home is a wonderful thing to do! However, even experienced massage practitioners can occasionally make mistakes. This article outlines the five most common errors, and gives you some simple ways to correct them.

Massage Practitioner & Touch Educator
Giving a massage at home is a wonderful thing to do! However, even experienced massage practitioners can occasionally make mistakes. This article outlines the five most common errors, and gives you some simple ways to correct them.
When you think about the benefits of a massage, you likely think of the feeling of relaxation. Massage offers much more than that, including a profound impact on muscle health and recovery.
The head massage has a universal reputation for inducing deep relaxation and tranquility. What makes this simple act so profoundly soothing? Let’s dive into the science and art behind the head massage…
Massages are a fantastic way to relax, reduce stress, and strengthen your bond with your partner. While professional massages are a luxurious treat, giving your partner a massage at home can be equally incredible if you know how!