Massage Practitioner & Touch Educator


How to give your partner a massage at home

Step by step guide to partner massage

Massages are a fantastic way to relax, reduce stress, and strengthen your bond with your partner. While professional massages are a luxurious treat, giving your partner a massage at home can be equally incredible if you know how! In this article I’ll guide you through creating a soothing and effective massage experience right in your living room.

Scientifically proven benefits

A 2017 study by researchers at the University of Nottingham followed 19 couples as they attended a 3 week massage course. Lead researcher Sayuri Naruse and her colleague Dr. Mark Moss found that the course led to significant benefits; both giving and receiving a massage led to a reduction in stress and improvements in well-being in each partner. Their study demonstrated that couples massage is a cost-effective and pleasant experience, that isn’t just for a therapeutic setting, but can be easily incorporated into a healthy couple’s daily routine. They also found that the positive effects of a short massage course for couples is long lasting: 74 per cent of the couples in the study continued to use massage after the course had finished. The benefits of massage are not limited to visiting a professional masseur, a spa or a physiotherapist: you can enjoy the rewards and make them a regular part of your routine by learning more about how to give and receive touch. It’s like that old saying: ‘give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will never be hungry again‘!

Learning massage at home

Enrolling on my online course ‘Introduction to Massage‘ will give you an accessible, friendly and fun way to learn massage and enjoy all the lovely benefits already mentioned! You can follow along with the video lessons and be massaging like an expert in no time. To get you started though, here are the key things to focus on when you’re giving partner massage at home…

Setting the scene

Creating the right atmosphere is crucial for a relaxing partner massage. Choose a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted. Turn off phones and minimize distractions. Dim the lights or use candles to create a calming ambiance. Play soft, relaxing music or nature sounds. Ensure the room is warm enough or give your partner a blanket.

Preparing supplies

Having the right tools at hand can make a significant difference: Having everything you need nearby will minimise interruptions and keep everyone relaxed. For massage oil I recommend organic coconut oil. You can add essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus for additional relaxation and a more sensory experience if you wish. Use towels to protect surfaces from oil and to cover your partner, keeping them warm. Have a few pillows to support different parts of the body, making your partner more comfortable.

Preparing your partner

Before starting, ensure your partner is comfortable and relaxed. Ask them about any specific areas of tension or discomfort and if they have any boundaries or no-go zones. Even if you know them well, it's always good to check in.

Use different textures of touch

In my online course we cover different techniques for six key areas of the body (head & neck, back & shoulders, hands & arms, feet & legs, hips & buttocks, belly). My simple approach doesn't involve confusing technical terms or require lots of anatomy knowledge. We focus on using different textures, or 'layers' of touch to create relaxing sensations for your partner's body. Start light, then move to the middle layer and also explore firmer pressure into the muscles.

Ending the massage

Take some time to slowly bring the massage to a close - don't finish abruptly as that's not so relaxing! It can be really nice to just hold still on your partner's feet or shoulders for a minute or so as this feels very grounding and reassuring. Post massage you can discuss the experience with your partner, ask for feedback to help you improve future massages

Enjoy practicing!

Giving your partner a massage at home is a beautiful way to show care and affection. By creating a calming environment, using the right techniques, and communicating effectively, you can provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if your first few attempts aren’t flawless. With time and attention, your massage skills will improve, and so will the enjoyment you and your partner derive from this intimate and healing practice.

To get started with your massage journey head over to my Introduction to Massage course!

See you soon,
